CCM Tacks AS-V Pro Stick Review

Dec. 2, 2022 || Written by Katie Lakusta
Like with the rest of the Tacks AS-V Pro equipment series, CCM is going experimental with the new AS-V Pro hockey stick. The new rendition of their top-of-the-line high kick stick includes much of the same tech you’ve seen before with a bunch of upgrades, both big and small.

Variable "V" Geometry

The aspect of the AS-V Pro that we’re most excited about is the new Variable “V” geometry. It’s pretty subtle—when you first see the stick, you may not notice the slight size change near the bottom half of the shaft. When you pick the stick up, that’s when you’ll notice the more natural shape for your hand to hold on to. The new shaft shape is designed to increase power and control on the load.

Modern Mid Kick Point

The AS-V Pro debuts CCM’s new modern mid kick point. With the speed of the game changing, and with high and mid kick points losing some of their traction, CCM knew they’d have to adjust the angle of the classic mid kick point to keep it in the game. The kick point on the AS-V Pro still flexes near the middle of the shaft for good power—the main difference will be in the performance when releasing wrist shots. The AS-V Pro is optimized specifically for wrist shots, so you can continue to let off rocket shots with great consistency without sacrificing as much release speed.

Sigma STP Carbon Weave

The success of STP in the Trigger 7 sees its continued use in the AS-V Pro. Sigma STP is a carbon weave developed specifically with hockey players in mind and builds on further strengthening the build. The Tacks series is not only known for its power, but also its durability, and the Sigma STP carbon weave hopes to further enhance that characteristic.


Acufeel 2 Blade

Upgraded from the previous Acufeel blade, the Acufeel 2 blade takes advantage of the new Sigma STP carbon weave for better feel and power. Acufeel is a bit softer linearly than other blades for greater flex and speed on the shot, and with STP Carbon, the blade is given a bit more freedom to flex with increased resistance to breakage. Acufeel 2 keeps the same torsional stiffness that the AS4 had, ensuring less unwanted twist that could potentially weaken power and accuracy on the shot.

Skeleton+ Taper Technology

This tech has been quickly turning into a mainstay in CCM’s top sticks. Skeleton+ is a reinforcement that uses a silicon-tip spear in the hosel rather than other, more fragile and unnecessary material. This gave CCM more freedom in compressing the material in that area, further strengthening the stick on contact with the puck or other obstacles on the ice.

Final Thoughts

We’re loving the new design of the AS-V Pro—the combination of both unique and subtle V geometry is the first thing that caught our attention when it first appeared at the shop. I will admit it did look and feel strange at first, but actually getting to stickhandle a bit and trial it in the shooting room yielded some exciting results. It handles smoothly and shoots hard, which is exactly what you want in a modern mid kick hockey stick.

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